You know, I'm really sleepy now, so please relax if this ode isn't funny. Well, if you are wondering about my ode, this is only for you.
In fact, I really envy you. You can carry zebras, giraffes....lots of animals.
Did you know that my favorite animal is zebra? I love zebras, and a zebra is one of the reasons thatI'm writing an ode to you. I never saw a real zebra in the wild. Is that good? Oh, I'm sorry, of course it should be good.... What does it look like? How is amazing, is it? Splendid? Beautiful?
You know, I'm studying zebra's patterns. I stared it for long time, and looked for it's patterns. How about your evening glow? I wanted to see your glow since I saw your glow in someone's picture. In fact, if you watched the movie 'The Pirate of Caribbean", you would know about the green light, huh? Well, I'm just joking.
I respect your wide mind, dear. You have lots of creatures. Ah, I'm so sorry for some bad things that people did to you. Destroying,burning,taking... If I could travel somewhere for long time, I'll visit you, I promise. You can show me the world's most impressive view I've ever seen. I'll take picture of your beauty,I'll record your magnificent view by writing it down.....
One of my purposes are "Writing some stories about Africa." When I'm done with it, I'll show you. How about starting like this? ' I feel dizzy with this beautiful land. We should respect this. Even if we are exploring to that wide space, I don't have any desire of it. I'm just satisfied with this wonderful view.' So you should prepare for me, dear. I'm expecting you for such wonderful things!
Love, Sherlock.
This is a good ode but try to personify Africa more.